An overview of amoebiasis

An overview of amoebiasis

Amoeba is a single cell organism/unicellular organism. Unicellular organisms, also known as eukaryotic organisms, are made of only one cell, which is unlike most organisms living on our planet. Amoebae are meant to thrive in extreme temperatures; therefore, they can be found in deep-sea hydrothermal vents, the dead sea, hot springs, salt evaporation ponds, and acid lakes. Although amoebae are single-cell organisms, they are useful to the soil ecosystem as they help recycle the nutrients in the soil. Additionally, amoebae act as a host to other bacteria, thereby keeping the bacteria population in active growth phases. All bacteria are important for our ecosystem to function properly, which makes amoeba an important form of bacteria too.

Although amoeba is an important species, it can be detrimental to humans in some ways. Amoebiasis is one such condition that can be dangerous to humans. It is an infection that is caused by amoeba, which belongs to the Entamoeba group. It is also a common infection that affects the gastrointestinal tract, which often affects people who live in poor sanitation and socioeconomic status. Amoebiasis in people is mostly found in China, South West and East Asia, and Latin America as compared to the rest of the world.

Identifying amoebiasis
When a person is infected by amoebiasis, they will show symptoms like diarrhea, asymptomatic infection, fulminant colitis, and peritonitis. These are all diseases related to the intestine and abdominal organs. Acute amoebiasis can be seen in a person in the form of persistent or frequent diarrhea with bloody stools. Furthermore, chronic amoebiasis will show symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, and recurring fever.

Those who suffer from extra-intestinal amoebiasis, which can be caused by the spreading of the parasite, can face amoebic liver abscess. This often happens when the parasite spreads to the liver.

Treatment for amoebiasis
When a person is suffering from an uncomplicated case of amoebiasis, it can be cured with a 10-day course of prescribed medication, mostly in the form of capsules. Additionally, the doctor, if needed, may also prescribe another medication along with the primary medicine to control nausea.

If the condition is severe and complicated where the parasite is accommodated in the intestinal tissues or has caused infection to other organs as well, doctors may suggest surgery.

The likelihood of curing amoebiasis
People who suffer from amebiasis often respond well to the treatments and get cured in up to 2 weeks. Also, even the serious cases of amebiasis can be cured with the help of the right medical treatment. However, if the condition is left untreated for long, it can be fatal for the patient.

Preventive measures
It is extremely important to ensure proper sanitization in order to prevent oneself from amebiasis. Therefore, washing hands thoroughly with soap and water is one of the thumb rules to not only prevent amoebiasis but also maintain hygiene. Additionally, in places where amoebiasis is common, one must ensure that they eat clean food and drink clean water as much as possible and avoid street food and unpasteurized dairy products.