Everything you need to know about preeclampsia

Everything you need to know about preeclampsia

Everything you need to know about preeclampsia A form of pregnancy complication, preeclampsia damages organ systems, typically the liver and kidneys. It is characterized by hypertension, which often begins to act up post 20 weeks of pregnancy. If this condition is left untreated, it can cause some life-threatening consequences for both the mother and the baby. Apart from hypertension, here are some signs and symptoms of preeclampsia: Severe headaches Proteinuria, that is, excessive protein content in the urine Nausea and vomiting Pain in the upper abdomen and under the right side of the ribs Insufficient number of platelets in the blood Vision problems such as sensitivity, blurred vision, or temporary blindness Liver malfunction Fluid buildup in the lungs that causes breathlessness Unusual weight gain and edema, that is, swelling that particularly affects the face and arms Causes of preeclampsia Preeclampsia is a result of multiple factors. Medical researchers believe that it starts in the placenta, an organ that is responsible for nourishing the fetus through the course of pregnancy. In the initial stages of pregnancy, new blood vessels form to ensure that sufficient blood is delivered to the placenta. However, some women develop blood vessels that fail to function efficiently.
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Effective ways to manage morning sickness

Effective ways to manage morning sickness

Morning sickness is a combination of nausea and vomiting most women experience during the first trimester of their pregnancy. It is a normal response of the body. Some women might experience it early in the morning while others tend to experience the discomfort throughout the day at varied but consistent intervals. There are no known causes of morning sickness except for the fact that hormonal changes in the body during a routine pregnancy end up triggering the condition. Here are a few easy ways to manage different levels of morning sickness. Fresh Scent Sniff a freshly cut lemon to counter the effects of morning sickness. The phenomenon is normally associated and triggered due to smells in your surrounding environment. However, smelling a citrus rich fruit like lemon will ease the discomfort to some extent. It is also a good idea to keep a bottle of lemon extract or a sprig of fresh rosemary with you during the morning sickness phase. Tracking the nausea It is important to keep track of your nausea. The queasiness does not come and go at random intervals as there multiple triggers that can aggravate morning sickness. Often, you might experience nausea and associated symptoms at the same time every day.
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Home remedies to manage bloating and gas during pregnancy

Home remedies to manage bloating and gas during pregnancy

Gas is a natural reflex of the digestion process. The good bacteria in the gut process and break down food into smaller molecules for proper absorption by the body. In the process, the bacteria release methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen that collectively form gas. This gas formed exits the digestive system in the form of a burp or a fart. The symptoms of gas vary in terms of severity with some resulting in nothing more than mild abdominal pain to others like severe bouts of discomfort that can be the result of a developing gastrointestinal disorder. However gas can cause also a lot of discomfort for women, especially during pregnancy. Obesity, hormonal imbalance, and gestational diabetes are the most common causes of bloating or gas during pregnancy for which medical attention is advisable. One can try the following home remedies to alleviate the discomfort and provide relief prior to starting treatment. Staying hydrated Water is a lifesaving liquid that helps the body get rid of toxins in the system. Drinking water at regular intervals also helps women counter and reduce bloating or gas buildup during the day. Doctors recommend a minimum of six to eight glasses of water per day to ensure proper hydration.
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5 effective home remedies for GERD

5 effective home remedies for GERD

It is normal to experience unpleasant sensations when something that you ate doesn’t agree with you. However, when any kind of food, whether spicy or bland, evokes a string of unpleasant sensations, there’s something seriously wrong with the digestive system. One such condition that is known to cause a hot and burning sensation in the throat which is followed by unusual pressure in the chest is called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). One of the major symptoms of GERD is heartburn and acid reflux. In fact, if one experiences mild acid reflux twice a week or moderate to severe acid reflux at least once a week, then they are diagnosed with GERD. GERD can often be resolved with the help of over-the-counter (OTC) medications or by making major lifestyle changes. In certain severe cases where GERD cannot be controlled by medications, surgery is the only viable option. However, there are some effective ways of managing the symptoms of GERD and this proves beneficial in the long run. Some of the home remedies that can be used to manage the symptoms of GERD are: Use baking soda – Acid reflux is the major symptom of GERD, and if you wish to seek instant relief from the same, try using baking soda.
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5 effective home remedies to treat nausea

5 effective home remedies to treat nausea

Nausea is that unpleasant sensation that is the harbinger of an even more unpleasant event—vomiting. Whenever you eat something that doesn’t agree with your gut or take medicines that lists nausea as one of its prominent side-effects, there are high chances that you’ll have to undergo the unpleasant sensation called nausea. Nausea is a phenomenon that occurs due to stomach discomfort and is triggered by three major factors which are, something that irritates the brain, something that irritates the gut, and pregnancy. Nausea that is succeeded by vomiting is not a pleasant experience and is one of the body’s mechanisms which is meant to protect us. Our bodies have evolved to protect themselves from harmful toxins and ensure that we remain protected from these harmful elements. Vomiting is a type of protective mechanism which ensures that the toxic things are ejected from the body which you might have ingested accidentally. At times, nausea culminates into an episode of vomiting or it just goes away on its own. If you wish to get rid of nausea and the discomfort that accompanies it, you can try either of the following home remedies. Ginger root Ginger has been used since ages as a potent home remedy for a variety of health issues and is considered to be a viable treatment for nausea.
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Treatments and preventive measures for motion sickness

Treatments and preventive measures for motion sickness

Motion sickness triggers a sensation of dizziness, often caused when one is traveling for long hours via boat, car, plane, or train. In such a situation, the body’s sensory organs deliver conflicting messages to the brain, which causes nausea, lightheadedness, or wooziness. One might also experience headaches due to motion sickness. This condition can affect anyone, but children aged from 2 to 12, pregnant women, people with a migraine, and people on certain types of medications are more likely to suffer from it. The good part is that this condition will quickly resolve on its own and typically doesn’t require any medical attention. Treating motion sickness There are several over-the-counter medications to treat motion sickness. Most of these prevent the onset of its symptoms and induce sleep. Therefore, these are not to be taken if one is driving. Seeking the counsel of a general physician is crucial before using such medications if one is already suffering from some health condition. If one doesn’t have the medication when the symptoms kick in, they can attempt using the following tips to gain quick relief: Fresh air If one is continuously confined in a vehicle, they should take short breaks and get outside for some fresh air.
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Labor induction- Procedures and risk

Labor induction- Procedures and risk

Stimulation of uterine contractions during pregnancy before labor begins is called labor indiction. It is done to achieve a vaginal birth and can also be recommended when there’s a concern for the mother’s or the baby’s health. To determine the necessity of labor induction, the healthcare provider evaluates several factors such as the mother’s health; the baby’s health; the baby’s gestational age, weight, and size. They also consider the baby’s position in the uterus and the state of the mother’s cervix. Here are the reasons why labor induction is performed during pregnancy: It can be performed if there is a premature rupture of membranes and the water has broken, but the labor hasn’t begun. Labor induction can also be performed in case of a post-term pregnancy when the mother is approaching two weeks beyond the due date and the labor hasn’t been started naturally. An infection in the uterus called chorioamnionitis can also delay labor resulting in the need for labor induction. Fetal growth restriction where the estimated weight of the baby is less than 10 percent of what is expected at gestational age also results in delayed labor which in turn requires labor induction. Labor pain can also be delayed due to oligohydramnios.
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Essential factors to learn about fertility in women

Essential factors to learn about fertility in women

While most men and women wish to give birth to their own baby, they may find it difficult to conceive a child because of low fertility. However, even low fertility can be reversed with the right precautions and changes in lifestyle. For that, it is important for them to know about ways to overcome low fertility issues and increase their chances of having a baby of their own whenever they plan. However, before moving to the lifestyle changes to be undertaken for the same, mentioned here are certain important factors that affect fertility in men and women: Ovulation : Some women may face difficulty in getting pregnant if their ovulation cycle is irregular. The condition of irregular ovulation is known as anovulation. Sperm count : When a man has less sperm count, it can take longer than usual for the couple to get pregnant. Also, when the sperm count is not just low but also abnormal, the chances of getting pregnant also become low. The potency of a woman’s fallopian tubes : Fallopian tubes are responsible for carrying the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. Therefore, it is important for these tubes to be open and functional for a woman to get pregnant.
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Cold and cough in children – Home remedies and prevention tips

Cold and cough in children – Home remedies and prevention tips

Cold and cough are the signs of a common viral infection that can affect children and adults. There are over 200 known and unknown viruses that can lead to these infections. The symptoms of a common cold and cough can be confusing to identify as people could mistake them for the signs of allergies and the flu. The causes, symptoms, and risk factors of a common cold are more or less similar for adults and children. However, parents must exercise caution when it comes to treating and managing its symptoms in young children and toddlers. It is imperative to be aware of the possible side effects of various remedies to avoid any health complications. One must consider a variety of factors before administering home remedies to children. Young children must not be given any over-the-counter (OTC) cold and cough medications without consulting the child’s pediatrician or family doctor. Each child may react differently to the same dose of a medication. Thus, it is not advisable to administer even small amounts without the knowledge of a certified medical professional. One must avoid the use of OTC medications for children up to the age of 6 years. Some home remedies to provide relief from cold and cough in young children are:
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Here’s what you need to know about vaccinations

Here’s what you need to know about vaccinations

The body’s immune system plays a vital role in fighting diseases, and in most cases, it is able to do this job successfully. However, certain types of pathogens can overpower the immune system, causing severe illnesses. Typically, the infections that the body hasn’t encountered before are more likely to cause issues. Here’s where vaccinations come into the picture. It is a preventive measure that trains the immune system in advance so that it can identify and eliminate any harmful bacteria and viruses that attack the body. Vaccinations have helped medical professionals tackle and eradicate some life-threatening diseases, such as polio and measles, from most parts of the world. It is essential for one to get immunized, not just to protect themselves but also the people around them. This concept is termed as herd immunity, where widespread vaccinations lower the chances of spreading the disease to a susceptible individual. How do vaccinations defend the body? The immune system is made up of several antibodies that detect and get rid of any damaging pathogens. However, if the pathogen is new, the body might find it difficult to recognize the invader. Vaccinations teach the immune system to discover and isolate new diseases, by exposing the body to a safe version of the pathogen.
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