Powerful Superfoods for your Beauty Routine
You might roll your eyes at the phrase “beauty starts on the inside,” or “you are what you eat”. However, while ideal health and happiness cannot be found in a diet or a exercise routine, it may well be found in a jar! What we eat and drink and put into our bodies has a direct impact on our skin, which is why consuming a diet chock full of healthy fats, amino acids, anti-inflammatories, and don’t forget those antioxidants can literally turn your visage from puffly, dull, wrinkled, and droopy to radiant, taunt, fresh, and glowing. These superfoods do wonders for you complexion: 1. Lemons Vitamin C is an oft featured ingredient in skin care products, but it’s also a natural component of lemons. Despite their pucker-producing taste, lemons are actually an alkalizing fruit, meaning they balance out the acidic pH in our bodies, which is so often the prime source of skin inflammation, irritation, and sensitivity. Lemons help keep a balanced pH by alkalizing the blood and undoing the damage caused by consuming fast foods, alcohol and caffeinated beverages. Alkalizing foods, like lemons, also encourage elastin and collagen production, which gets us closer to those firm, glowing skin goals.
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