4 treatment methods employed for leukemia

4 treatment methods employed for leukemia

A condition that afflicts a huge population around the world, leukemia is cancer that affects the blood-forming tissues of the body. Typically, it involves an abnormality in the white blood cell production. White blood cells are the part of the immune system that fight off infections and grow normally to be divided as per the needs of the body. However, in individuals with leukemia, the white blood cells produced by the bone marrow are abnormal and do not function effectively. Leukemia may be diagnosed during a routine blood checkup or post-occurrence of noticeable symptoms. The diagnostics exams include a bone marrow test, blood tests, and a thorough physical exam. Leukemia is a fatal type of cancer and its treatment depends on several factors. The best treatment options are evaluated based on the age and the health conditions of the patient. Also, the type of leukemia and how far it has spread in the body needs to be determined before undertaking treatment. The 4 popular treatment methods for leukemia include the following: Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is one of the major forms of treatment used for cancer. The method incorporates the use of drugs that contain chemicals which kill the cancerous cells in the body.
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An overview of lung cancer

An overview of lung cancer

Lungs are among the most vital organs in the body; they are also the primary organs of the body’s respiratory system. Lungs, therefore, play a very crucial role in the simplest yet most essential activity, breathing. The oxygen that we breathe enters our body through the lungs and reaches the blood vessels deep in the lungs and, subsequently, the rest of the body. Lungs also make the carbon dioxide exit the body once we breathe out. Therefore, it is pivotal to keep the lungs in extremely good shape and health. When lungs are exposed to harmful agents due to certain acts of smoking, living in a polluted environment, or inhaling harmful chemicals or particles, it can cause several illnesses; one such illness is lung cancer. Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of deaths of men and women in the country. It is also one of the most common types of cancer among cancer patients. It begins in the lungs when there are changes in the DNA of lung cells. When certain changes lead to increased and abnormal growth of lung cells, it leads to the formation of malignant cells, which, subsequently, results in lung cancer. Causes of lung cancer In order to prevent oneself from lung cancer, it is important to learn about its several causes.
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Effective options for treating liver cancer

Effective options for treating liver cancer

Of all the formidable diseases that continue to contribute to the mortality rate, cancer takes the crown because it can affect any part of the body and wreak massive destruction in the patient’s life. Cancer can be treated only when it is diagnosed in its initial stages. After it starts metastasizing, the treatment options focus on reducing the severity of the symptoms and offering some relief to the patient. One such form of cancer that brought about 42,220 new cases the previous year is liver cancer. In fact, liver cancer is the tenth most common form of cancer and is known to be the fifth most common cause of cancer death. The liver is responsible for filtering the blood that circulates throughout the body and converts the nutrients and drugs absorbed from the digestive tract into necessary chemicals. Moreover, the liver plays a major role in ensuring that toxins and chemical waste products are removed from the blood and readies them for excretion. As the liver is the medium of processing blood that flows throughout the body, it makes for an easy target for the cancer cells that travel in the bloodstream. Liver cancer can be treated only when it is in the initial stages and as cancer progresses, the treatment methods change course as well.
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Multiple myeloma – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Multiple myeloma – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cancer that originates in the white blood cells known as plasma cells. These cells are responsible for producing antibodies that ward off any infections. However, when one is affected by multiple myeloma, the rogue cells begin to rapidly divide and accumulate in the bone marrow, where they overpower the healthy cells. Instead of making antibodies, these cancerous cells create abnormal proteins that trigger several health complications. Signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma Identifying the signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma isn’t always easy. In the initial stages, one may experience no symptoms. As the condition progresses, the symptoms might start exhibiting. It is also important to note that every patient’s signs and symptoms will significantly vary from another’s. The following are some of the most common signs and symptoms of multiple myeloma: Frequent infections : Since there are fewer cells in the body producing antibodies, a person might have to frequently deal with infections. Fatigue : As the rogue cells replace the healthy ones in the bone marrow, it becomes increasingly difficult for the body to fight infections. Consequently, the body tires easily. Weak bones : This condition can inhibit the generation of new bone cells, which can further cause bone problems such as weakened bones, bone pain, and increased susceptibility to bone injuries.
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Understanding the different types of Castleman disease

Understanding the different types of Castleman disease

Understanding the different types of Castleman disease Castleman disease is named after Dr. Benjamin Castleman who first described the condition in the 1950s. Alternatively known as giant lymph node hyperplasia and angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia, Castleman disease is not cancer. It is a group of three heterogeneous inflammatory disorders that produce excess molecules primarily affecting the lymph node system. The condition also exhibits flu-like symptoms, lymph node enlargement, and can result in vital organs becoming dysfunctional. There are two primary types of Castleman disease with the number of lymph nodes affected taken as the basis for the classification. Further, each primary type has a subtype of the lymph node condition as the lymph tissue is found in many places throughout the body including the lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, tonsils & adenoids, bone marrow, and digestive tract among other locations. Note that there are no known causes of Castleman’s disease. It is a rare disorder that prompts an overgrowth of the lymph nodes in various parts of the body that can lead to further complications. In most cases, the Human Herpesvirus 8 is identified as the main trigger of Castleman’s disease. However, there are significant risk factors that can aggravate the unnatural overgrowth of cells in the lymph nodes without warning.
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3 things to know about myelodysplastic syndromes

3 things to know about myelodysplastic syndromes

Caused due to malformed blood cells or malfunctioning blood cells, myelodysplastic syndrome is a group of disorders. These disorders occur due to a deficiency in the bone marrow. It is a form of cancer for which there is no permanent cure. Treatments are geared towards alleviating the symptoms or preventing the various complications that may arise over time. In some cases, treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes involves bone marrow transplant or chemotherapy. Read on to know more the types, symptoms, causes, and risk factors of these disorders. Types of myelodysplastic syndromes Myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts : There are two types: type 1 and type 2. This syndrome occurs when there is a very low count of white blood cells, red blood cells, or platelets. Also, any of these cells will appear abnormal under the microscope. Also, the presence of blood cells that have not matured completely can be found in the bone marrow and blood. Myelodysplastic syndrome with multilineage dysplasia : In this type of myelodysplastic syndrome, two to three types of blood cells among platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells are found to be abnormal. Myelodysplastic syndrome with unilineage dysplasia : In this type of myelodysplastic syndrome, either platelets, red blood cells, or white blood cells are found to be low and appear abnormal when observed under the microscope.
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4 methods of treatment for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

4 methods of treatment for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a common type of cancer that is triggered in the lymphatic system. A part of the immune system, the vessels of the lymphatic system contain lymphocytes that fight against infections. When the body is affected by non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the lymphocytes are multiplied abnormally and lose their infection-fighting property. They also put one at an increased risk of suffering from different kinds of infections. The treatment method employed for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma will majorly depend upon the general health and age of the patient. This is because some of the different treatment methods can exert too much strain upon the body health. In some cases, if the cancer is in its initial stage, then the affected part can be extracted through biopsy. However, if the same cannot be performed, then the patient may have to undergo the following treatment methods: Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is a form of treatment that is used for most kinds of cancers. With this treatment, medicine is used to kill the cancerous cells. Chemotherapy is typically combined with different therapies that include radiotherapy and biological therapy. The treatment is administered in a plethora of different forms and the same is dependent upon the stage of cancer.
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Top 8 symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Top 8 symptoms of pancreatic cancer

In pancreatic cancer, there is an abnormality in the ways the pancreatic cells multiply. The disease occurs when the cells in the pancreas start multiplying abruptly, which leads to the formation of a mass, also known as a tumor. When this tumor is cancerous, it is identified as a malignant tumor, which can further grow and spread to other body parts. Simultaneously, the formation of the tumor and its spread also affects the functions of the pancreas and other organs. Pancreatic cancer does not cause any signs or symptoms in its early stages. The symptoms start appearing when it has already spread to adjacent organs. Below are some of the symptoms that the patients experience when they are at the later stages of pancreatic cancer: Jaundice and jaundice-related symptoms Jaundice affects almost every person who has pancreatic cancer as the first symptom of cancer.  It causes the yellowing of the skin and the eyes. Jaundice occurs when bilirubin, a substance produced in the liver, does not reach the intestines due to a blockage in the bile duct and gets accumulated in the body. Cancer that takes place in the head of the pancreas is close to the bile duct; therefore, it often blocks the bile duct and causes jaundice.
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4 factors that can increase the risk of stomach cancer

4 factors that can increase the risk of stomach cancer

Stomach cancer, also referred to as gastric cancer is a type of cancer that begins to develop in the cells which line the stomach. The type of cancer is known as adenocarcinoma and develops over a period of several years. Even before there is a complete development of the cancerous cells, there are certain changes which occur in the lining of the area. Typically, these early occurrences or developments in the system do not exhibit any noticeable changes and this increases the risk of stomach cancer going undetected. The type of cancer can affect any part of the stomach. While there has been a drop in the rate of cancer detected in the main body of the stomach, there is an increase in the number of cases where cancerous cells affect the top part of the stomach. Depending on which section in the stomach are the cancerous cells present, the symptoms and the outcomes will differ. While there are several risk factors that may cause the condition, researchers are still unable to map out the exact cause that leads to the development of the cancerous cells. Here are some of the different possible factors that may work in combination to cause stomach cancer:
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8 facts about chemotherapy you need to know

8 facts about chemotherapy you need to know

Even after the malignant tumor has been removed surgically, the body might still have cancer cells. These cells might spread to the other parts of the body and harm the organs. Chemotherapy is one of the cancer treatments that uses medications to kill or stop the growth of malignant or cancer cells. It is one of the most common forms of cancer treatments. Chemotherapy is known to cause some serious side effects that disrupt the daily routine. So, before choosing this form of treatment to treat cancer, here are some things you should know: The patient might not be required to stay overnight in the hospital Contrary to the popular notion, chemotherapy sessions might be conducted in the doctor’s office, a clinic, an outpatient wing of a hospital, or even at home. The place of treatment and type of chemotherapy depends on factors such as the type of cancer, other medical conditions, and personal preferences. There are different types of chemotherapy medications It is not always necessary to get chemotherapy medication intravenously. The doctors might suggest other methods including topical gels and creams, pills, capsules, liquids that can be swallowed, and infusion ports. An infusion port is a device that holds medicines that are put underneath the skin connecting the vein.
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