5 easy ways to lower high triglycerides level

5 easy ways to lower high triglycerides level

There are several factors that affect an individual’s health, right from the diet they consume to the type of lifestyle they lead. Everything plays a major role in determining the quality of life of an individual. Usually, people pay a lot of attention to their blood pressure and cholesterol levels because if these go haywire, their health will soon experience a downward spiral. Apart from these two factors, another important factor that you should monitor are the triglycerides. Triglycerides are a type of fat, also known as lipid, that is found in the blood. When one eats, the body converts the calories that aren’t needed immediately into triglycerides, which are stored in the fat cells. These triglycerides are released by the hormones for energy between meals. The trouble brews when one consumes more calories than they burn, and this results in higher levels of triglycerides. High levels of triglycerides result in the thickening of the arteries and increase the risk of heart disease or stroke. So, to lower the levels of triglycerides in the body, one can adhere to the following steps: Lose weight The major cause of increasing levels of triglycerides is consuming more calories than you burn. Which is why losing weight is an effective way of lowering the levels of triglycerides in the blood.
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3 things to know about atrial fibrillation

3 things to know about atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation or AFib or arrhythmia is a disease where the heart rhythm becomes irregular. The heart rate becomes rapid, which increases the risk of heart failure, stroke, and other complications of the heart. The upper chambers of the heart known as atria do not beat in sync with the lower two chambers called as ventricles. This causes shortness of breath, heart palpitations, weakness, and numerous other symptoms. Atrial fibrillation may be a temporary or permanent disorder. Here are a few essential things to know about AFib. Common causes Generally, a damage to the heart’s structure leads to atrial fibrillation. In some cases, abnormalities in the heart also cause atrial fibrillation. Also, if there is a family history of AFib, it may be passed down through the genes. A person who has any disease or disorder related to the heart valve may also be at risk of being affected by atrial fibrillation. Other ailments such as viral infections, overactive thyroid glands, and metabolic syndrome are also common causes of this disease. Unhealthy lifestyle habits such as excess consumption of alcohol can also lead to atrial fibrillation. Other common causes include exposure to stimulants, sick sinus syndrome, lung diseases, sleep apnea, and coronary artery disease.
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Ways to manage diabetes

Ways to manage diabetes

Our body needs energy to stay healthy and functional; one of the most important sources of energy is glucose. The body converts glucose into energy in order to keep its organs working. Glucose comes from the food we eat, especially food that is rich in carbohydrates. Glucose in the body needs to enter the blood cells in order to provide energy; this is done by a hormone called insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. When the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to convert glucose into energy, the glucose remains in the blood and increases the blood glucose/sugar level. This leads to type 2 diabetes, which is one of the most common types of diabetes. When someone suffers from diabetes, their blood sugar levels constantly remain high, which can cause several problems to their body. It is, therefore, important to take effective measures to control and manage diabetes well as it does not have any cure or treatment. However, with proper care and management, one can reduce their chances of developing other health conditions that are caused by diabetes. When it comes to managing diabetes, the first thing one should do is understand the causes of diabetes and learn about the triggers that can worsen the existing condition.
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