4 treatment methods employed for leukemia

4 treatment methods employed for leukemia

A condition that afflicts a huge population around the world, leukemia is cancer that affects the blood-forming tissues of the body. Typically, it involves an abnormality in the white blood cell production. White blood cells are the part of the immune system that fight off infections and grow normally to be divided as per the needs of the body. However, in individuals with leukemia, the white blood cells produced by the bone marrow are abnormal and do not function effectively.

Leukemia may be diagnosed during a routine blood checkup or post-occurrence of noticeable symptoms. The diagnostics exams include a bone marrow test, blood tests, and a thorough physical exam. Leukemia is a fatal type of cancer and its treatment depends on several factors. The best treatment options are evaluated based on the age and the health conditions of the patient. Also, the type of leukemia and how far it has spread in the body needs to be determined before undertaking treatment.

The 4 popular treatment methods for leukemia include the following:

  • Chemotherapy:
    Chemotherapy is one of the major forms of treatment used for cancer. The method incorporates the use of drugs that contain chemicals which kill the cancerous cells in the body. Chemotherapy is administered in the form of a single drug or a combination of drugs depending upon the type of leukemia. The drugs may also be taken in the form of oral pills or through direct injection into the vein. Chemotherapy comes with several associated side-effects that include loss of hair, sores in the mouth, loss of appetite and tiredness. In cases of extreme side effects, the patient will have to take additional medications to manage the same.
  • Targeted therapy:
    Targeted therapy is a treatment procedure that works by attacking the specific vulnerabilities or functions within the cancer cells. This method of treatment does not randomly destroy the cells but rather destroys only the target unhealthy cells making it preferable. The therapy is found to be effective in ceasing the further spread of the cancerous cells. Target therapy can be administered in the form of pills or they can be injected into the body. This method has side effects that include swelling in body parts and bloating of the abdomen.
  • Radiation therapy:
    Under the radiation therapy, the leukemia cells are damaged, and their growth is disrupted with the use of high-energy beams. When undergoing this treatment, the patient is required to lie flat on the table with a machine being moved around the affected parts of the body. The radiation from the machine is precisely directed around the collection of the leukemia cells. Typically, this therapy is used before the patient undergoes stem cell transplant.
  • Stem cell transplant:
    The stem cell transplant is a method used to replace the affected bone marrow with a healthy variant and is like a bone marrow transplant. Chemotherapy and radiation are used to destroy the leukemia cells and the bone marrow. The same is followed by an infusion of blood-forming stem cells that aid in rebuilding the bone marrow. For the transplant treatment, stem cells may be used from the patient’s body or sourced through a donor.