5 easy ways to lower high triglycerides level

5 easy ways to lower high triglycerides level

There are several factors that affect an individual’s health, right from the diet they consume to the type of lifestyle they lead. Everything plays a major role in determining the quality of life of an individual. Usually, people pay a lot of attention to their blood pressure and cholesterol levels because if these go haywire, their health will soon experience a downward spiral. Apart from these two factors, another important factor that you should monitor are the triglycerides.

Triglycerides are a type of fat, also known as lipid, that is found in the blood. When one eats, the body converts the calories that aren’t needed immediately into triglycerides, which are stored in the fat cells. These triglycerides are released by the hormones for energy between meals. The trouble brews when one consumes more calories than they burn, and this results in higher levels of triglycerides. High levels of triglycerides result in the thickening of the arteries and increase the risk of heart disease or stroke.

So, to lower the levels of triglycerides in the body, one can adhere to the following steps:

Lose weight
The major cause of increasing levels of triglycerides is consuming more calories than you burn. Which is why losing weight is an effective way of lowering the levels of triglycerides in the blood. Research indicates that losing even 5-10 percent of the body weight can reduce the blood triglycerides level by 40mg/dL. Losing weight will have a lasting effect on the blood triglycerides levels, and this would remain intact even if you gain some weight again.

Limit sugar consumption
The American Heart Association recommends that one must consume no more than 6 to 9 teaspoons of added sugar per day as this sugar goes on to become triglycerides. Added sugar is often found lurking in soft drinks, sweets, and fruit juices. The extra sugar is transformed into triglycerides and can eventually increase the blood triglycerides levels. So, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of added sugar and a diet low in carbs will help lower the high triglyceride levels.

Add fiber to your diet
To reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood, you can add more fiber to your diet. Adding foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and cereals is an easy way of combating high triglycerides levels. The high fiber content in the food decreases the absorption of fat and sugar in the small intestines, thereby, lowering the number of triglycerides in the blood.

Exercise regularly
Another effective way of lowering high triglycerides levels is to exercise regularly. The “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels have an interesting relationship with the triglycerides; the high levels of good cholesterol can help lower the blood triglycerides level. The good news is that a regular exercise routine can increase the levels of HDL cholesterol in the blood, which will lower the levels of blood triglycerides. When you pair a regular exercise regime with a balanced diet, you will witness a dramatic plunge in the level of triglycerides.

Limit the consumption of alcohol
It is common knowledge that alcohol is high in sugar and calories, and the unused calories will be converted into triglycerides and stored in fat cells. To avoid increasing the level of triglycerides in the blood, it is advisable to limit the consumption of alcohol.