5 factors that can lead to acne in adults

5 factors that can lead to acne in adults

5 factors that can lead to acne in adults

A skin disorder; acne can affect anybody and is a common condition across the world. The ailment is medically known as Acne Vulgaris and is generally triggered in the teenage years or at the onset of puberty. It occurs when the skin pores and hair follicles are blocked with oil, dead skin cells and other kinds of bacteria. Acne is most likely to affect the body parts that include face, chest, back, shoulders, and forehead.

One can suffer from acne due to a side effect of a plethora of factors. Most often, it is essential to understand the underlying cause as this will dictate the best form of treatment. Listed below are some of the common causes of acne to keep an eye out for:

Stress: Stress is found to be one of the most common triggers of acne as it releases a hormone called cortisol in the body. This natural hormone further leads to the production of excessive pore-clogging oil. The buildup of excessive sebum leads to the heightened occurrence frequency of acne. Stress can also cause the appearance of acne scars to be darker. It expands the capillaries and leads to an increased flow of blood that makes the skin look more inflamed. Stress and acne are part of a vicious, unending cycle with each aggravating the other.

Unhealthy diet: There are certain food groups or dishes in particular that can trigger the flare of acne. The consumption of large quantities of fried foods and dairy is found to almost instantly lead to the development of acne and pimples. This is because the given foods can cause an alteration in the hormone levels.

Large open pores – The skin can develop large, open pores due to the stress, smoking, sun damage, and unhealthy skin-caring regime. The large, open pores trap bacteria, and this leads to the development of zits and acne. The development of these pores can be avoided by changing up the skin-care routine and using products that contain retinol.

Hormonal imbalance – It is true that the health of one’s facial skin is often a reflection of what is happening on the inside. Women especially are more likely to experience the consequences of hormonal imbalance in the form of high testosterone levels and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Hormonal imbalance is exhibited through other kinds of signs such as irregular periods and excessive hair growth. Individuals who experience hormonal imbalance must seek medical intervention as it aids in controlling the inappropriate hormone levels.

Pore clogging cosmetics – There are several cosmetics and skin products on the market that are comedogenic. These products can clog the pores and lead to an eruption of acne and other kinds of skin issues. Thus, it is essential to read the list of ingredients carefully and looked for a water-based one when using cosmetics.

Acne can be controlled with the aid of effective medication; however, the problem can persist over years.

The condition can scar the skin and cause acute emotional distress. However, making appropriate lifestyle and dietary changes, coupled with undergoing medication can truly aid in lowering the effects of acne on the skin.