Effective treatments and home remedies for dry mouth

Effective treatments and home remedies for dry mouth

Dry mouth or xerostomia is a condition where the mouth’s salivary glands can’t make enough saliva. Apart from the unpleasant dry feeling in the mouth, this condition can cause trouble while chewing and swallowing food, bad breath, loss of taste buds, and a sore throat. Dry mouth can be a consequence of aging, long-term use of certain medications, certain types of health conditions, cancer treatment, consumption of alcohol and tobacco, and recreational drug use. It is crucial to address this condition because its symptoms can further aggravate and lead to complications such as tooth decay, mouth sores, mouth infections, poor nutritional absorption, and more.

Diagnosis and treatment
To zero down the cause of dry mouth, the doctor will go through one’s medical history as well as the medications the person is taking. They will also examine the mouth and might recommend some blood exams and imaging tests to determine the amount of saliva produced. If the doctor suspects that one’s dry mouth is a result of Sjogren’s syndrome, then they will extract a tiny sample of the tissue from the patient’s salivary glands and send it for further analysis.

The cause of this condition defines its treatment. If the root cause of dry mouth is consistent use of medications, then the doctor will either adjust the dosage or switch to another variety of drugs. Likewise, to keep the mouth moisturized, doctors will recommend certain over-the-counter (OTC) or prescribed moisturizers, mouthwashes, and artificial saliva.

If the cause of dry mouth is extremely severe, then the doctor might prescribe medications that stimulate the salivary glands. Moreover, to prevent oral complications like tooth decay and gum disease, a dentist might fix fluoride trays which have to be filled with fluoride and worn on the teeth at night. The dentist might also advise patients with dry mouth to use special rinses to keep cavities at bay. Also, resolving any sleep issues such as snoring can help assuage the symptoms of dry mouth.

Home remedies and lifestyle changes
Apart from seeking appropriate medical help, one can also try the tips mentioned below to alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth.

  • Sipping water – Regularly sipping water and sugar-free drinks can help maintain moisture in one’s mouth. Likewise, to make chewing and swallowing easier, one should drink small amounts of water while having meals.
  • Sugar-free gum or candies – Chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on sugar-free candies can keep the mouth hydrated. Moreover, xylitol that is found in sugar-free items often helps prevent cavities. However, it shouldn’t be consumed in large quantities as it might cause digestive issues such as gas and diarrhea.
  • OTC saliva substitutes – Like sugar-free gum, OTC saliva substitutes contain xylitol that inhibits the formation of cavities. These come in the form of mouth sprays and gels.
  • Room humidifier – Dry air can further worsen the symptoms of dry mouth. Therefore, installing a room humidifier in the room can help during nighttime, especially if one tends to have a tendency to leave their mouth open while snoring.

One should avoid or limit the intake of caffeinated beverages, alcohol, tobacco, and sugary or acidic foods as they increase bacterial activity in the mouth.