Ways to manage diabetes

Ways to manage diabetes

Our body needs energy to stay healthy and functional; one of the most important sources of energy is glucose. The body converts glucose into energy in order to keep its organs working. Glucose comes from the food we eat, especially food that is rich in carbohydrates. Glucose in the body needs to enter the blood cells in order to provide energy; this is done by a hormone called insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. When the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to convert glucose into energy, the glucose remains in the blood and increases the blood glucose/sugar level. This leads to type 2 diabetes, which is one of the most common types of diabetes.

When someone suffers from diabetes, their blood sugar levels constantly remain high, which can cause several problems to their body. It is, therefore, important to take effective measures to control and manage diabetes well as it does not have any cure or treatment. However, with proper care and management, one can reduce their chances of developing other health conditions that are caused by diabetes.

When it comes to managing diabetes, the first thing one should do is understand the causes of diabetes and learn about the triggers that can worsen the existing condition. Additionally, a good doctor plays a vital role in helping you manage diabetes. It is also important to understand the benefits of managing diabetes. Some benefits are mentioned below:

  • To feel more energized
  • Get tired and thirsty less often
  • Decreased need to urinate
  • Heal better and faster
  • Decreased number of bladder or skin infections
  • Decreased chances of getting a stroke, eye problems, teeth and gums problems, kidney problems, and nerve damage

The necessary actions one can take for managing diabetes include going for diabetes support and learning how to care for diabetes.

ABC of diabetes
Another important step in taking care of and managing diabetes is understanding the ABC of diabetes. This includes A1C test, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

  • A1C test : High blood glucose levels can cause harm to the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, feet, and the eyes. Therefore, it is important to manage the levels with the help of the A1C test. This is a blood test that helps determine the blood sugar levels over time. It also helps one control their blood sugar levels and see their progress every three months. It is also important to know the A1C goal one should aim at, which can be discussed with the doctor.
  • Blood pressure : The pressure of blood against the blood vessel walls determines the blood pressure. When the blood pressure gets too high, it can make the heart overwork, which can lead to stroke, heart attack, or kidney and eye damage. Therefore, one should work with their doctor and keep a constant check on their blood pressure.
  • Cholesterol : There are two kinds of cholesterol: LDL (good cholesterol) and HDL (bad cholesterol). While HDL cholesterol helps remove bad cholesterol from the blood vessels, LDL cholesterol can clog the blood vessels and increase one’s chances of suffering a heart attack and stroke. Therefore, keeping a regular check on cholesterol is an important step in managing diabetes.