What Are the Health Benefits of Lemongrass?
Lemongrass, also referred to as citronella, is a stalky tropical grass with a subtly tangy yet refreshing lemon aroma. Often featured as a bug repellant or in aromatic products that promote a good night’s slumber or melt away stress, lemongrass is also a prime feature in Thai, African, and Vietnamese dishes. Indeed, brewing up a cup of lemongrass tea has long been used to boost immunity and digestion, which is why this plant is often recommended as a medicinal herb also prescribed to for it’s many antibacterial and antifungal benefits. You can enjoy the many benefits of lemongrass in these ways: 1. Reduces inflammation Natural practitioners have long prescribed lemongrass for its ability to reduce inflammation throughout the body. Lemongrass features a powerful triad of inflammation-fighting compounds—isoorientin, swertiajaponin, and chlorogenic acid—known for reducing arthritis, achy joints, and even gout. Plus, lemongrass can be used preventatively to prevent inflammatory conditions such as cardiovascular disease. 2. Fights infection For centuries, lemongrass has been used to fight parasites and fungal infections of the digestive and respiratory tract thrush. However, researchers from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York continue to examine the benefits of lemongrass when it comes to preventing infection in immunosuppressed patients with HIV.
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