Men's Health
Treating testicular cancer by its stages
Treating testicular cancer is based mainly on the stage and type of cancer. Among the different stages of tumors, pure seminomas and non-seminomas are treated differently. This is because pure seminomas are germ cell tumors and non-seminomas are mixed germ cell tumors. Before testicular cancer forms into a specific tumor, it goes through stage 0 or carcinoma in situ. Stage 0 As mentioned above, Carcinoma In Situ (CIS) is a stage 0 cancer that has not spread outside the testicle. If a biopsy to test for testicular cancer shows CIS, the best form of treatment is surgery. However, doctors might not recommend treating it immediately. They might examine the stage with physical exams, ultrasound, and blood tests to obtain the tumor marker levels. The tumor marker levels show whether the cancer is invasive and spreading to the nearby areas. If left untreated, the cancer might turn into any of the two types of tumors mentioned above. Let’s look at both the types of testicular cancer stages and the possible ways to treat them. Seminomas Stage I This form of cancer can be cured in almost every patient. Stage I states that cancer has formed into a tumor but is still localized and has not spread to the nearby areas.
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